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We have covered the legal requirements in the Privacy Policy section. But I feel, That Page won’t be easy to interpret for some people. So, here’s the simplified version.


Everybody has the right to enjoy an independent thought and speech process until its not spreading hatred or anger. Here, I express all sorts of opinions and views which may not be inclined with your thinking. But, I have no intention of hurting your religious or any other beliefs. So, Please read at your own discretion.


This is the medium through which you can share your thinking with everybody else on this blog. Honestly, I am really interested in that. But, abusive or foul language won’t be tolerated. We moderate comments and possess the right to disapprove Hate filled comments. Kindly, Be Nice.


I personally hate spam. We won’t use emails submitted anywhere on the website for any purpose other than the one you are sharing it for. We never sell personal data. By the way, I advise not to publically display your email in the comments box.

Advertisement Policy

As of now, we don’t serve any Advertisements.

Third Parties

No personally-identifiable information is shared with any third party. We use Google re Captcha to fight spam.

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